Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Update on my life, Chloe, and Happiness Pressure

In the last month, my stretch marks have spread a little lower down my thigh, I started working as an intern in my mom's workplace, totally ignored the fact that I'm eighteen and that I should probably get my learner's licence. I did other things, too. I bonded with my aunt. I scrubbed my toilet, tile by tile, with my sister (we're a motivated pair). I tried to give myself a pedicure, twice. Influenced by my parents, I've started sleeping by 11:30 PM, latest. I met someone who doesn't like me, for the first time, I think.

I just finished reading Maus by Art Speigelman.
Also, this adorable bedtime poem by Sylvia Plath.

My best friend's dog died this week. This is the closest death that I've experienced. By this I mean that I've never had the experience of losing a loved one. Chloe was basically my favourite dog. I am not a dog person, but when I was around Chloe, I was one. She's the first dog I pet. I watched her grow up.

I place such immense pressure on those I'm close to to be happy. And it works the other way around,too. You would think that it's very selfless to want other people to be happy, but the fact is, it's easier to deal with other people's happiness than other people's sadness. Imagine being happy when everyone you love is not. Nobody wants that. Now imagine being unhappy if everyone you love is happy. That I can deal with, because it's only my unhappiness that I have to deal with. I think it's pretty brave to want happiness for yourself, especially when those you're close to aren't happy.
Okay I'm done with the Self-Help Wednesday.