Wednesday, June 5, 2013

After a lot of thought and introspection, I realised that I was not going to 'take the world by storm'. I longed to do something that would directly affect people, but I wasn't sure what. This conversation between my dad and me actually occurred:
Me: I want to take the world by storm
My dad: *Incomprehensible noise* Why don't you go study?
Of course this happened way back when I was still in school (way back is 2 months ago).

Anyway, I usually have a lot of thoughts swimming around my head and when I'm not doing anything, I can kind of fish one out, but I've become supremely lazy. Now, when I'm not doing anything I don't think. I just sit. I swear- I have no thoughts. If I try sticking the fishing rod in the water body of my ideas, all the fish swim away. I'm of course doing a terrible job using the fishing metaphor to describe my mental laziness.

So my sister encouraged me to start a blog which will have two readers (her and me), and since I'm still convinced I will be successful and people will quote me, I'm doing this.
Going by my track record, I'll probably abandon it soon enough, but at least I will transfer my thoughts to solid form or virtual form or whatever, and maybe I'll be a better human  being.

I think I can convince two or three other people to read this.